WingStep (WST)
WingStep is a Web3-based fitness and health tracking mobile app with integrated NFT gaming and social media elements. We seek a balance between health, wealth, and social interaction and convert millions of the non-crypto runners, gymers to the crypto players and offset carbon. To join the game you need to have a free NFT or have to buy an NFT in the form of sneakers, then by walking, running, and exercising you will earn crypto and other NFTs in the gameplay, the items earned can be used for in-game activities or cashed out for profit.
Pool information | |
Swap Rate | 1 WST = 0.01 BUSD |
Sale Start Time | June 10th, 2022, 12:00 UTC |
Sale End Time | June 10th, 2022, 14:00 UTC |
Claiming | June 11th, 2022, 14:30 UTC |
Token Distribution | 40% unlock at TGE, cliff 1 month followed by monthly vesting for 6 months. |
Total raise | 100,000 BUSD |
Initial Market Cap at TGE | 300,000 BUSD |
Token information | |
Name | WingStep |
Token Symbol | WST |
Total Supply | 500,000,000 WST |
40% unlock at TGE, cliff 1 months, vesting monthly in 6 months
-12% unlocked on 12–August–22, 00:00 UTC
-12% unlocked on 12–September–22, 00:00 UTC
-9% unlocked on 12–October–22, 00:00 UTC
-9% unlocked on 12–November–22, 00:00 UTC
-9% unlocked on 12–December–22, 00:00 UTC
-9% unlocked on 12–January–23, 00:00 UTC
What is WingStep
WingStep is a Web3-based fitness and health tracking mobile app with integrated NFT gaming and social media elements, where you can earn rewards by walking, jogging, gym...
The token
First look at X-Metaverse