Learn & Earn $LBL
LABEL is a blockchain-based, NFT, copyright free sharing platform that introduces an incubation system that supports investment, distribution, and promotion processes to break down high barriers to existing content production and investment and dismantles the current unfair profit distribution structure.
Lesson 1
What is music IP rights?
IP - Intellectual Property rights are legal rights that protect works of creators, musicians, artists in form of music, songs, images and creative works. Only IP holder/owner has rights to do a certain activities with IPs like selling, lending and etc.
Lesson 2
What is LABEL Foundation?
LABEL Foundation is the first pioneer blockchain-based MOOC platform focusing in EduMusic industry to help creators fully own their own work in forms of content, music and songs.
Lesson 3
What is LABEL’s Incubating?
Incubating is a space where artists can host new lectures and participants can conduct investments in the P2P manner. Here, users can also learn how to invest in the instructor's projects and how those projects will proceed.
Lesson 4
What is $LBL token?
LBL is a native token of LABEL Foundation ecosystem that drives its growth and distribute power to users through decentralization. It is mainly used for payment, voting and staking.