



Learn & Earn, SatoshiSync

SatoshiSync is the permissionless protocol for Runes and cross-chain inscriptions. Our platform simplifies the deployment, minting, and bridging of inscriptions, eliminating the need for whitelisting.

What is SatoshiSync?
Lesson 1

What is SatoshiSync?

SatoshiSync is The First Permissionless Chain Agnostic Protocol for Runes, Inscriptions and BTC L2. We simplify making BTCFi liquid with our permissionless protocol designed to deploy, mint and bridge Runes and Inscriptions.

What is InscripSync?
Lesson 2

What is InscripSync?

InscripSync is the first permissionless protocol for cross-chain inscriptions. You can: Deploy, mint, and create a decentralized market using our permissionless bridging solution.

How to bridge BRC assets to EVM/SOL?
Lesson 3

How to bridge BRC assets to EVM/SOL?

Facilitate the seamless cross-chain bridge of BTCFi assets, ensuring liquidity at your preferred destinations.

Efficiently transfer any Inscription across supported blockchains, ensuring maximum security and speed to boost liquidity and engage a broader base of holders.

What are the $SSNC token utilities?
Lesson 4

What are the $SSNC token utilities?

$SSNC utilities are:
- Cross Chain Revenue Capture/fees
- Deflationary
- Governance/Voting Rights
- Staking

Quiz on NFTb

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