



  • IDO

Artwallet (1ART)

ArtWallet provides the ultimate solution for storing and owning NFTs with the simple gateway to the most reputable NFT marketplaces. Buy, Store, and Own Exclusive NFT Items in a few clicks. This is ArtWallet: Digital Art, Real Estate, Collectibles, Virtual Gaming Items, and other sectoral...

Pool information
Swap Rate1 BUSD = 100 1ART
Sale Start TimeOct 26th 2021, 12:00 UTC
Sale End TimeOct 26th 2021, 14:00 UTC
Token Distribution34% unlock at TGE
66% are vested for 2 month
Cap75,000 BUSD
(7,500,000 1ART)
Initial Market Cap$170,000
Initial Token Circulation1,000,000 / 1,000,000,000
Token information
Token Symbol1ART
Total Supply1,000,000,000
Token address0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
NFTbStaked NFTB: 0

Max staking amount per wallet: 200,000 NFTB

Withdrawal timeout 7 days

  • APY
    0 NFTB Your balance



One-stop solution for NFT Market & Metaverse

ArtWallet provides the ultimate solution for storing and owning NFTs with the simple gateway to the most reputable NFT marketplaces. Buy, Store, and Own Exclusive NFT Items in a few clicks. This is ArtWallet: Digital Art, Real Estate, Collectibles, Virtual Gaming Items, and other sectoral types of NFTs in one App!

Audio/Visual Content Streaming

ArtWallet provides a media delivery vehicle for the playback of unique audio/visual content. Just imagine Spotify or iTunes via NFTs — voila, it’s ArtWallet! Dropping exclusive content and receiving fair rewards! Fair for both Creators and Artists!

  • AirPlay streaming
    It was never so easy! Just connect your mobile device to TV and you will be able to stream your favourite NFTs on any device via ArtWallet.
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality Showcasing
    This is the deep dive into the Metaverse! Want to see the virtual “Mona Lisa”? — Easy! Just rent out the exclusive NFT with 1ART tokens, display it either on TV via Airplay or use AR/VR glasses.

Multichain Wallet

ArtWallet provides not only the multichain wallet, but also the native cross-chain support. Bridge any NFT items directly in ArtWallet. All supported blockchains will have the native bridge within the App.

  • Fantom Network
  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Polygon Network

1ART Utility Token

1ART is the cross-chain Fantom Opera, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum token powering the ArtWallet ecosystem. 1ART will be used as the native token within the ArtWallet ecosystem powering such activities as NFTs trading, NFTs cross chain bridging, getting access to the exclusive content, Audio/Visual content streaming, creators’ rewarding, and many more.

Staking options will be available within the App soon!




  • Q4
    • iOS & Android apps
    • NFT Smart Wallet
    • Smart NFT Storage
    • Audio / Visual Streaming


  • Q1
    • Native Cross-chain Support
    • Audio / Visual Streaming
    • NFT Minting
    • NFT Marketplaces Integrations
  • Q2
    • AR / VR Integration
    • NFT Streaming via AR / VR Technologies
    • Persistent Data Storage
  • Q4
    • Hardware Integration
    • Private Auctions
    • Additional Features

Partners & Investors